Being able to get ALL of your patient's questions answered on the first clinical day (in highly visual detail, right before their eyes) is enormously powerful. This process has opened up treatment doors for my patients and clinic like nothing else. Offering more than best-guesses and treatment generalities and instead letting them believe what the can see right on the computer screen...and right in their own smiles is the best use of technology.
Omnismile offers denture designs and a prosthetic pathway more predictable and profitable than any other, but moreover it opens doorways to better futures for your patients and your practices.
When a denture is designed in the computer first, not only can the physical version of that denture be made over and over, the data from which it's made is just as valuable diagnostically as the prosthesis itself. Let Omnismile show you how we turn dentures into doorways to expand your practice into a more successful, surgical future.
Here’s how to do it:
Send your patient smile photos and old denture scans via the File Upload link
Adapt the Omnismile Try-Ins (OTIs) to your patient's liking
Acquire a CBCT scan of your patient wearing the OTIs and additional CBCT scans of the OTIs separately
Use your IOS device to scan the OTIs locally or ship the case to us and we will scan for you
Upload all CBCT scans, denture scans and any additional patient photos
Await your concierge-level surgical plan review session and coordinated surgical guide and denture production